I wanna put you guys on to something chill this Good Friday by Orange county artist Contradash (@contradash), via his latest single, “Isabel”. Although I missed out when this track originally dropped last month, I’m glad I finally caught it this week, and in doing so I was thankfully met with a lowkey sounding single that is as intimate as ever. Isabel sees Contradash ditching the more flashy production and effects that he’s often known for, and opting for a more stripped back, acoustic guitar instrumental. While the guitar work is genuinely charming on its own, it’s 100% Contradash’s writing really takes the cake for me, as he chooses to speak directly to his subject,“Isabel,” someone who he seems to care about deeply, expressing concern towards their lifestyle. Despite the laid back attitude of the track’s instrumentation, as well as vocal delivery, we clearly hear a sort of frustration in his writing, and performance, and I must say that I’m really fond of this style. Go support Contrdash!