Central Valley’s Jay El Aych newest release “one” is a midnight smash

Hailing from the Bay Area but currently based out of the Central Valley, Jay El Aych is here to stamp his name with his latest release. “One” serves as an apology and cry for a second chance as Jay breaks down a relationship and it’s slow decay. With each new release, Jay El Aych embraces growth and learning, inviting his audience to join him on his captivating storytelling voyage, as he's an ardent storyteller at heart. Along with his ability to create a scene, his vocal capability is the nail in the coffin as it is able to just deliver each verse with pure emotion and vulnerability.





HASNA beautifully describes the turmoil of a person grappling with the aftermath of a painful and deceptive relationship


Through poignant lyrics and hauntingly beautiful vocals, Jesse explores the complexities of love and its ability to both empower and destroy.