As a rising artist one of the most stressful things can be pitching music to blogs, curators and streamers. There’s a lot of components that are included, how should you right the email? What should you include? When should you pitch? Who should you pitch to? It can definitely be overwhelming but luckily we are here to shine a little light on this subject and get you going in the right direction. With pitching music, the main source you will go through is email, and with that you need to know what to include and how to phrase it. As we break down the main components, keep in mind each persons pitch will look different based on each release
THE MAIN BODY & subject
the main body is the most important aspect, it’s going to determine the likely hood of the person not only listening but also featuring your music. You want to make sure all the informysyion in the main body is not only crucial, but also very straight forward. You want to state your intent of the email (submission,reaction, review etc..) within the subject line and then reiterate it in the first line of the body. After this you want to include an introduction and a very brief bio (where you are from & what type of music you do). After these then you can detail your release and the link (or private listen if unreleased). This way yhe person knows who you are, your intent, and had clear access to the music without having to read paragraphs of information.
this is the second most important part of any pitch is what you will have attached to it. This usually takes form of an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) or the unreleased filed (MP3). While both of these are crucial, you need to know when and how to present them. For a lot of media outlets, they are happy to accept any EPK along with the initial email, but there are some that prefer to have it be sent upon request. A lot of the times, when sending cold email with attachments you run the risk of being thrown in to the spam folder as well, so sending attachments only upon request may be the better option. One of the best practices is making a clean email with a link button to either Soundcloud, Dropbox or Drive. This allows you to share attachments with a more reliable source.
Lastly, you need to have all your main info within the email so it can be easily accessed and so you can be easily reached. Make to include your social links (twitter, Instagram), a contact info (Manager, You, whoever is sending the email), send the platforms you are on (DSP’s) and lastly include the best way they can reach out to you.