The king of left-handed music Hadji Gaviota (@hadjigaviota) himself released a brand spanking new single titled “Snow Globe”. Snow globe sees Hadji take on what I can only describe as alt-rock inspired production, with realistic sounding drums and an overall beat that just makes you wanna headbang to the max. Hadji himself also sounds great tonally, putting on his coolest demeanor yet, smoothly airing out his cares and concerns for the world to hear in the most confident manner he knows. While the verses sound full, and definitely drive the point home, the chorus is where Hadji shines the most, adopting a sweet high vocal tone that gives this track its replayability factor, creating somewhat of an earworm. Ironically, the thematic writing qualities leave Hadji sounding pretty vulnerable (at least as vulnerable as you can be while also sounding this smooth), as he talks about intrusive thoughts, and doubtful thinking that other people often supply without even meaning to. It’s always important to remember that doubt is always going to exist, i mean not everyone’s equipped well enough to see the vision properly, but as Hadji suggests, it’s up to you to push thought out, and shake things up, just like a snowglobe. Finally, the only other thing I’d really say is that I’m not too fond of that slight distortion over top that the mixing adds (don’t get it twisted, this song is mixed very well, I just know that certain engineers like to add distortion over top to give everything a crispier edge, and while it sounds good, It hurts the ears while listening on headphones). That’s a very tiny knit pick though, and it doesn’t at all detract from the track’s enjoyment, so please do yourself a favor and check out Snow Globe, by Hadji Gaviota.