The internet exploded last week thanks to the major comeback by Lil Yachty (@lilyachty) and the release of his latest full length album, “let’s start here”. Until lately, Yachty was one artist who was rarely mentioned when it came to conversations about serious artists, making serious art, with general audiences dismissing him as a fluke entirely. Despite all of the roadblocks place in Yachty’s way, he made sure to remain true to himself, and keep a clear eye to his vision ultimately, because regardless of what the world thought of him, he knew he could see something that they couldn't, and that something came into fruition as a genre bending psychedelic rock album. Here are some things i’ve learned from yachty:
Be true to yourself - as an artist you are allowed to go through phases, where you might try out new sounds, genres, visuals, and styles, but at the end of the day you must remember to keep these changes rooted in everything that is ultimately still YOU. The way that Lil Yachty achieved this is by dipping his toes in these styles and aesthetics previous to making complete flip (think back to when he remixed a tame impala song), when the world was ready, he doubled down, and saw the success.
Focus on your vision - The vision’s gonna change as time goes on, but the more in touch you are with a specific goal or idea, the closer you'll stick to that initial idea you had of yourself. The fact is that if you aren’t working towards something greater, then the losses you take will weigh a lot heavier, in contrast to the artist that knows they have a bigger picture to fall back on, work towards and improve on daily.