You know, I always think it’s fun to go on Spotify and hit the shuffle button on random playlists. There’s something about trying out a brand new artist or genre that I find incredibly exciting. Although we cover a lot of hip hop, and pop adjacent music on this blog, over the past two years I’ve been personally finding a lot of indie rock stuff that I’ve really enjoyed. Last year I came across the band known as the Drums (@thedrums), a group that’s been relatively popular since the early 2010s in part thanks to their fan favorite album “portamento” (if you’re on tiktok, I guarantee you’ve heart their hits). The group operates sort of in the way that Tame impala does, meaning that usually one or two people participate in the making of the music, and the live performance aspect is then adapted by stage musicians. The key component it seems is the blond haired front man, Jonny Pierce, who takes on most of the vocals, production, writing and even some of the graphic design (that’s indie as fuck!). Anyway, they’ve released two full length projects since releasing Portamento, and it seems like they’re gearing up to add yet another project into their discography as they’ve released a new single earlier this month titled “I want it all”. "I want it all" reminds me of the classic indie rock sound that dominated 2010-2015, and I’m curious if this could be the force that brings indie rock back into the mainstream. What do you think?